Genes Are the Ancestors within Us”: Biopiracy in Patricia Grace’s Baby No-Eyes

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dc.contributor Fresno Calleja, Paloma Caro Román, Alejandra 2019 2019-10-30T12:13:55Z 2019-10-30T12:13:55Z 2019-10-30
dc.description.abstract [eng] This dissertation examines Patricia Grace’s novel Baby No-Eyes (1998) with respect to its discussion of “biopiracy” as a new form of colonialism of Indigenous Peoples. Focusing on the narrative of a deceased Māori baby whose eyes have been stolen for unspecified genetic experimentation, Grace denounces new forms of colonisation and exploitation of the Māori body and more specifically, Western unauthorised scientific appropriation of Māori identity. Departing from the novel’s discussion of genetic engineering, and the past stories of land expropriation, the paper argues that biopiracy constitutes a revived threat to Māori physical and spiritual well-being, as it collides with their cultural values, customs and integrity. Moreover, it discusses Grace’s resistance to biopiracy by drawing upon Māori-based narrative techniques, such as speech-making, polyphony and storytelling. Ultimately, the article explores the novel’s powerful arguments for the creation of ethical protocols in the field of biology, genetics and medicine that will ensure Indigenous Peoples’ consent, and the protection of their fundamental freedom and human right ca
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language.iso eng ca
dc.publisher Universitat de les Illes Balears
dc.rights all rights reserved
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject 81 - Lingüística i llengües ca
dc.subject.other Biopiracy ca
dc.subject.other Genetic engineering ca
dc.subject.other Māori literature ca
dc.subject.other Patricia Grace ca
dc.subject.other Baby No-Eyes ca
dc.title Genes Are the Ancestors within Us”: Biopiracy in Patricia Grace’s Baby No-Eyes ca
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis ca
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion

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