[cat] En aquest treball s’ha fet una recerca de com afecta la presència escènica en la interpretació musical. S’estableix que la manera en què el músic es mou i interactua amb l’audiència pot afectar a la transmissió d’emocions i intencions musicals durant un concert. És per aquest motiu que per a una millor interpretació i una millor connexió amb el públic, s’ha de ser conscient de la seva importància i treballar-la. També hi ha altres factors externs que intervenen en aquesta percepció, com la disposició de l’escenari o l’estat dels atris. S’ha emprat una metodologia basada en la recerca, una enquesta i dues entrevistes mitjançant les quals s’han establert diverses tècniques per treballar la presència escènica. ENG:In this dissertation, research has been conducted on how stage presence affects musical performance. It is established that the way in which the musician moves and interacts with the audience can affect the transmission of emotions and musical intentions during a concert. It is for this reason that for better performance and connection with the audience, one must be aware of its importance and work on it. There are also other external factors that intervene in this perception, such as the stage setup or the instrument’s conditions. A research-based methodology has been used, one survey and two interviews through which various techniques have been established to work on stage presence.
[eng] In this dissertation, research has been conducted on how stage presence affects
musical performance. It is established that the way in which the musician moves and interacts
with the audience can affect the transmission of emotions and musical intentions during a
concert. It is for this reason that for better performance and connection with the audience, one
must be aware of its importance and work on it. There are also other external factors that
intervene in this perception, such as the stage setup or the instrument’s conditions. A
research-based methodology has been used, one survey and two interviews through which
various techniques have been established to work on stage presence.