[eng] Aqueous solutions of pyridoxamine 5Vphosphate (PMP) at several pH conditions have been studied using FT-IR spectroscopy using the attenuated total reflection (ATR) technique. In spite of the strong intense OH stretching and bending bands of water, most of the vibrational structure of solute can be observed from 900 to 1500 cm -1. With increasing pH, very intense changes in the spectra have been observed due to concentration changes of the hydrogen bonded species. Spectra of the different ionic species have been calculated from the mathematical fitting of experimental absorption spectra as a function of pH. Spectra are characterized by the presence of broad band-like structures in the 2400<br>3500 cm -1 region, with extended continua that indicate very large proton polarizability of hydrogen bonds. Contributions of the phosphate group to the total absorption have been analyzed by comparison with pyridoxamine spectra.