[eng] Olfaction is a key sense in many animals, from invertebrates to vertebrates, through which
they can get information about their environment and carry out different functions. Within
birds, seabirds from the order Procellariiformes have an especially developed sense of
smell. However, it is unknown whether they can detect potential predators through
olfaction or not. Procellariiformes, as other insular organisms, have evolved without
predators and are highly vulnerable to introduced predators. Rats are the most introduced
invasive mammals on islands where they negatively impact seabirds' breeding success
and even adult survival (in small seabirds). In the Mediterranean, black rats were
introduced on islands and islets by romans more than 2000 years ago and procellariform
seabirds could have enough time to develop antipredatory behaviours. The fact that some
seabird species have recently colonized different islands where rats had been eradicated,
may indicate the ability of seabirds to detect a safe breeding area. The aim of this project
was to experimentally test if the European storm petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus, the
smallest European seabird) can detect rats using olfactory cues. We used an Y maze
labyrinth with two options of selection: Rattus rattus scent and no scent to test the
behaviour of 56 different adult European storm petrels at Benidorm Island. Our results
showed that storm petrels did not avoid rat scent: 40% of individuals chose the arm with
rat scent and 60% chose the control arm (N=20). Individual characteristics (reproductive
experience and body condition) did not influence individual’s behaviour in terms of
making a choice or choosing the arm with rat scent. The low percentage of individuals
that made a choice was not probably related with a potential freezing response caused by
the predator odour. Thus, our results corroborate that European storm petrels are not able
to detect black rats through olfaction and confirm the previous evidences found for other
bird species which evolved on free-predator islands. Given the extreme vulnerability of
insular ecosystems to introduced mammal predators, it is important to raise awareness
among society about the importance of keeping the ecosystems free of invasive species
and carrying out the corresponding management measures. Moreover, by eradicating rats
from islets birds could recolonize new breeding areas and prospectors which visit
potential still invaded breeding sites may reduce their mortality probabilities.