[eng] The deep-sea crab Geryon longipes is a by-catch species of the deep-water bottom trawl fishery
targeting the red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus) in the western Mediterranean. The main objective
of this work is to analyze the spatial and temporal trends of itsstandardized biomass in the western
Mediterranean, from the Strait of Gibraltar to Cape Creus, including the Balearic Islands. Two
data sources were used: data obtained in oceanographic surveys that are carried out annually in
spring (kg/km2
) and data of catches landed by the commercial bottom trawl fleet (kg/trip). Data
analyses were carried out for the entire study zone, for each of the 12 geographical sectors
considered and for the 5 areas in which they have been grouped. The results of the general models
showed the same interannual increasing trend for both data sources. By sectors and areas, similar
trends were also found in both data sources, but with different geographical trends. An interannual
negative trend was observed in the Alboran area, the Gulf of Vera and Catalonia; conversely, a
positive trend was observed in the Levantine area and the Balearic Islands. In all sectors, the
highest biomass was found between 500 and 700 m. Seasonally, two peaks of high biomass were
found in most of the sectors, one in spring-summer and one in early winter; however, their relative
importance depends on the sector. This work is a first approach to the study of this species and
more studies are still needed to identify the factors driving the opposite interannual trends found
in nearby areas.