Anònim era una dona. Les Guerrilla Girls

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dc.contributor Mulet Gutiérrez, Maria-Josep Mulet Miralles, Jerònia M. 2019 2020-05-13T20:43:32Z 2020-05-13T20:43:32Z 2020-05-13
dc.description.abstract [cat] Les Guerrilla Girls suposen un nou tipus de fer art activista dins el context de l’art contemporani. La seva manera de treballar (ocultant les seves identitats, usant suports provinents del món de la publicitat i criticant directament tot tipus d’institucions, museus i galeries d’art) marca una passa endavant dins el feminisme i l’activisme dels anys vui-tanta. El treball pretén analitzar els motius que impulsaren al grup a organitzar-se d’aquesta manera dins el context de finals del segle XX i alhora posar en valor la seva obra ca
dc.description.abstract [eng] The Guerrilla Girls imply a new way of doing Activist art within the context of Contemporary Art. Their way of working (which is about hiding their identities, using new supports from the advertising world and directly criticizing all type of institutions, museums and art galleries) suggest a step towards feminism and activism of the ‘80s. This present paperwork attempts to analyze the reasons that impelled the group to organize in that way at the end of the 20th century context and, at the same time, to value their art-work. ca
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language.iso cat ca
dc.publisher Universitat de les Illes Balears
dc.rights all rights reserved
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject 7 - Belles arts ca
dc.subject 73 - Arts plàstiques ca
dc.subject.other Art contemporani, Art i gènere, Art feminista, activisme, Guerrilla Girls, autoria desconeguda, cartellisme, estadística ca
dc.subject.other Contemporary Art, Art and Gender, Feminism Art, Activism, Guerrilla Girls, Un-known authorship, poster, statistics ca
dc.title Anònim era una dona. Les Guerrilla Girls ca
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis ca
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion

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