[spa] En la actualidad, Internet es un punto fuerte de venta para las empresas,ya que
el consumidor puede acceder desde cualquier parte ,en el momento que desee
y hacer la compra de forma instantánea sin coste alguno. Por tanto, el trabajo
se centra en cómo se tienen que desarrollar las estrategias de marketing digital
para adaptarse al cambio constante, mantener la competencia en el sector y
crear fidelidad por parte del consumidor en el sector textil .
En otra parte, se realiza un estudio del incremento de valor que reporta el
marketing digital tanto para las marcas de ropa como para el consumidor
Finalmente, se proyecta los beneficios de la cooperación entre los influencers ,
personajes de moda con las empresas mediante las redes sociales y las
aplicaciones de móvil o web para atraer a nuevos consumidores , adquirir sus
productos, dar a conocer el producto , incrementar sus ventas y obtener una
[eng] At this moment in time Internet or more accurately digital marketing is a
strong selling point for many companies, since the consumer can access from
anywhere at any time and make purchases instantly at no extra cost. Therefore,
for this reason work is focused on how digital marketing strategies have to be
developed to adapt to the constant change in online marketing and especially the fashion industry, and its utmost goal which is to maintain competition in the
sector and create loyalty on the part of the online consumer in the textile sector.
Therefore a study has been carried out involving the increase in value on digital
marketing reports for both clothing brands and the online consumer.
Finally, the benefits of cooperation between influencers, fashion personalities
and companies through social networks and also mobile or web applications are
projected to attract new consumers to acquire their products, to publicize the
product and above all increase their sales and gain the loyalty of their online