[eng] This paper presents a map of findings and conclusions from an analysis of the price competitiveness
of Asian tourism destinations. Taiwan, China will be used as an origin region to establish main
resource markets and main Asian competitors in this analysis according to the 2017 Annual Survey
Report on Visitors Expenditure and Trends in Taiwan Summary. The main source markets will be
collected based on official tourism statistics, which exceed 80% inbound tourists of Taiwan. Correspondingly, the main Asian competitors of Taiwan will be collected reply on official inbound
tourist survey of Taiwan, China. As a result, the price competitiveness indices in 2011 and 2017 of
Japan, Mainland China, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand will be
developed and compared through the collection of the relative price level of a bundle of tourism
products and services. The higher the price competitiveness index, the cheaper the destinations and
that means more price competitive of destinations. The final results will be interpreted by maps based
on the price competitiveness indices. After that, the inflation rate and labor costs will be analyzed as
two important factors which can influence the destinations’ price competition. On the whole, the
results show that Thailand had the highest price competitiveness indices in 2011 and 2017, which
means Thailand was the most price competitive destination in 2011 and 2017. In addition, Taiwan can
be judged as a price-competitive destination based on the results. Furthermore, the price
competitiveness indices of various destinations had changed moderately from 2011 to 2017, which
can be explained to a certain extent by the inflation rate and labour costs.