[cat] En aquest treball hem tractat d’analitzar la gestió realitzada a Eivissa un cop
declarada Patrimoni de la Humanitat. En primer lloc hem explicat que significa
formar part de la llista del Patrimoni Mundial, indicant concretament els béns
culturals i naturals que es troben declarats, ara per ara, a les Illes Baleares. Un
cop introduït el tema, hem contextualitzat el territori d’Eivissa. Després d’haver
estudiat el bé en detall, cal destacar que els majors impactes ocasionats en el
territori han estat problemes derivats del sector turístic. També hem observat que
hi hagut una inadequada gestió, pel que fa el mal ús de la conservació i el
manteniment del patrimoni. Tot i això, el reconeixement d’Eivissa declarada com
a Patrimoni Mundial ha fomentat la pujada del turisme al territori.
[eng] In this work we have tried to analyse the management carried out in Ibiza once it
has been declared a World Heritage Site. First of all, we have explained what it
means to be part of the World Heritage List, specifically indicating the cultural and
natural assets that are declared, for now, in the Balearic Islands. Once the topic
has been introduced, we have contextualized the territory of Ibiza. Having studied
the property in detail, it should be noted that the greatest impacts on the territory
have been problems arising from the tourism sector. We have also observed that
there has been inadequate management, with regard to the misuse of heritage
conservation and maintenance. However, the recognition of Ibiza as a World
Heritage Site has encouraged the rise of tourism in the territory.