Use of simulation to improve nursing students' medication administration competence: a mixed-method study

Show simple item record Pol-Castañeda, Sandra Carrero-Planells, Alba Moreno-Mulet, Cristina 2022-12-14T09:34:12Z 2022-12-14T09:34:12Z
dc.description.abstract [eng] Background: Medication administration errors are among the most important adverse events in healthcare sys‑ tems. To minimise the risk of this occurring, nursing training programmes should emphasise the overriding priority of patient safety. In this respect, simulation can be a valuable resource in teaching procedures, for patient safety in gen‑ eral and safe medication administration in particular. In this study, we evaluate the use of a simulation-based activity for students to acquire skills in safe medication administration, and consider the students' perceptions of this activity. Methods: Second-year nursing students enrolled in the subject of pharmacology at a Spanish university during the academic year 2018-2019 were invited to participate in this mixed-method study. Their acquisition of professional competencies via a simulation exercise was evaluated according to the 'six rights'. Before the simulation, each student completed a researcher-developed online questionnaire. The simulation was evaluated by the students' tutor, using a checklist. A descriptive analysis was made of the data obtained from the questionnaire and during the simulation. At the end of the semester, the students' opinions were recorded in the questionnaire, in response to an open question. A content analysis was made of the responses to the open question. Results: The simulation exercise was performed by 179 students, of whom 73 had previously completed the ques‑ tionnaire. Analysis showed that, in comparison with the pre-simulation questionnaire results, compliance with the six rights improved in all dimensions except data documentation: right patient (from 64.4% to 83.3%); right medication (from 60.3% to 95.8%); right dose (from 60.3% to 100%); right route (from 54.8% to 95.8%); right time (from 24.7% to 70.8%); the right documentation result fell from 54.8% to 45.8%. The students expressed their satisfaction with the simulation method, afrming that it brought them closer to the reality of health care. Conclusions: Simulation is a useful tool for the acquisition of skills in medication administration. The students were satisfed with the simulation capacity to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Moreover, simulation represents an added teaching resource in the nursing degree curriculum and is expected to enhance patient safety. Keywords: Simulation, Medication administration, Medication therapy management, Nursing education, Patient safety, Mix-methods
dc.format application/pdf
dc.relation.ispartof Bmc Nursing, 2022, vol. 21, num. 117, p. 1-10
dc.rights , 2022
dc.subject.classification 614 - Higiene i salut pública. Contaminació. Prevenció d'accidents. Infermeria
dc.subject.other 614 - Public health and hygiene. Accident prevention
dc.title Use of simulation to improve nursing students' medication administration competence: a mixed-method study
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article 2022-12-14T09:34:12Z
dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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