[cat] El cant valencià és un gènere musical popular pertanyent a la cultura i la
tradició de la Comunitat Valenciana. Es tracta d’un cant lliure i molt ornamentat de
caràcter líric i virtuosístic. Aquest treball va enfocat a donar a conéixer el seu
potencial a través del poble de Bétera i les seues figures principals en aquest
Primerament, s’exposen els orígens i el context històric del cant valencià,
els tipus que hi trobem, les diferències entre aquests i el procés d’aprenentatge
d’aquest tipus de música. Més endavant es tracta el tema del folklorisme i en que
consisteix el procés de folklorització. A continuació, es centra l’atenció en les
funcions socials que el cant ha tingut al llarg de la història com la simbiosi
entre cantar bé i fer bé la feina o el cant com a via d’escapament i d’amenització
del treball o de situacions complicades. Finalment, se centrarà el cant valencià en
el poble de Bétera i en les seues figures principals. Es parlarà de la història musical
del poble i la seua evolució, es descriuran les seues figures i la importància
d’aquesta música a les festes del poble. Amb aquesta informació, apropar el cant
valencià tant a músics professionals com a amateurs i a qualsevol persona
interessada amb el tema serà una tasca més senzilla.
ENG: Valencian folksong (cant valencià) is a popular musical genre belonging to
the culture and tradition of the Valencian Community in Spain. It is a free and
highly ornamented folksong style of lyrical and virtuosistic nature. The present
work is focused on spreading its potential through two concepts: the town of Bétera
and its leading artists.
Firstly, this work speaks of the origins and historical context of Valencian
singing, the types of songs that exist, the differences between them and the process
of learning this kind of music. Later appears the subject of folklorism and what the
folklorization process consists off. Next, the attention is focused on the social
functions that singing has had throughout history, like the symbiosis between
singing well and doing the job well or singing as a way of chilling out from work
or a way of dealing with complicated situations. Finally, the Valencian folksong
will focus on the town of Bétera and in its outstanding singers. The musical history
of the town and its evolution will be discussed and their artists will be named. The
importance of this music at the village festivals will also be explained. With this
information, bringing Valencian singing closer to both professional musicians and
amateurs and anyone interested in the subject will be a simpler task.
[eng] Valencian folksong (cant valencià) is a popular musical genre belonging to the culture and tradition of the Valencian Community in Spain. It is a free and highly ornamented folksong style of lyrical and virtuosistic nature. The present work is focused on spreading its potential through two concepts: the town of Bétera and its leading artists. Firstly, this work speaks of the origins and historical context of Valencian singing, the types of songs that exist, the differences between them and the process of learning this kind of music. Later appears the subject of folklorism and what the folklorization process consists off. Next, the attention is focused on the social functions that singing has had throughout history, like the symbiosis between singing well and doing the job well or singing as a way of chilling out from work or a way of dealing with complicated situations. Finally, the Valencian folksong will focus on the town of Bétera and in its outstanding singers. The musical history of the town and its evolution will be discussed and their artists will be named. The importance of this music at the village festivals will also be explained. With this information, bringing Valencian singing closer to both professional musicians and amateurs and anyone interested in the subject will be a simpler task.