Tras el fracaso del monetarismo, Bancos Centrales de distintos países
adoptaron un nuevo marco para la estrategia monetaria a seguir, el inflation
targeting. Mediante dicha estrategia, se pretende conseguir una inflación baja y
estable al medio plazo, cuyo principal instrumento de política monetaria es el
tipo de interés nominal a corto plazo. En este sentido, el inflation targeting
resultó exitoso en alcanzar ambos objetivos.
Sin embargo, la crisis actual, que comenzó hace algo más de cinco años, ha
puesto en duda la eficacia del inflation targeting y su responsabilidad en el
estallido de la crisis financiera, así como de la incapacidad de actuar ante la
situación actual, requiriéndose medidas excepcionales, denominadas como no
After the failure of monetarism, a new monetary policy framework was adopted
by many Central Banks, called inflation targeting. It is tried to achieve low and
stable inflation by such monetary strategy at medium-run, which main monetary
policy’s instrument is the nominal interest rate. In this sense, the inflation
targeting was successful in achieving both goals.
However, the current crisis, which began about five years ago, the effectiveness
of inflation targeting has been questioned, as well as, its responsibility in the
financial crisis, as well as the inability to react to the current situation and the
need of unconventional measures.