[eng] The main point of this case study is to put in context quality and many issues that are around this concept and, more concretely, how to control quality in tourism companies using a tool or strategy called mystery shopping. It has been evolving and it still does.
To illustrate the term of mystery shopping a little bit more, I have been mystery shopper for two days, trying to analyze the quality of a hotel, during a two days’ stay. I have prepared a questionnaire in order to evaluate its quality. There have been many positive things, but all in all the total hotel experience has not been that good. At the end the results obtained have been analyzed and I have exposed some suggestions in order to improve the quality of the hotel.
The conclusion is that it is so easy to make a mistake and, because of that, damage the image and the total experience of your customer. In tourism companies the tool of mystery shopping is very interesting and useful and it will continue evolving as well as quality concept does.