[cat] En aquest treball es pretén mostrar i recordar l’efectivitat de la música com a eina educativa a l’hora d’aprendre una llengua estrangera, aportant una sèrie d’activitats que serviran per complementar aquelles que podem trobar als llibres de text i motivar als alumnes. Les activitats proposades tenen l’objectiu de ser divertides i engrescadores i, tot i que van dirigides principalment a l’aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa, es poden adaptar a qualsevol altra llengua.
[eng] The purpose of this work is to show and remember the effectiveness of music as an educational tool when learning a foreign language, contributing a series of activities that will complement those that can be found in textbooks and motivate students. The activities proposed aim to be fun and exciting and, although they are focused primarily at learning the English language, they can be adapted to any other language.
Keywords: Music, foreign language, English, motivation, activities.