[cat]Actualment ens veiem en la necessitat d'afrontar nous reptes educatius, i l'escola ha de
contribuir a la formació de persones competents, sanes i independents, capaces de prendre les
seves pròpies decisions, alhora que respectar els valors socials i la integritat dels que els
El nostre alumnat ha d’acarar de manera adequada aquests reptes, encara que no siguin
conscients de la complexitat social i educativa en què es troben immersos. Nosaltres, com a
docents i observadors de la realitat que ens aguaita, hem de preparar-los i ajudar-los posant a la
seva disposició estratègies adequades i maneres de fer i realitzar-correctes.
Escola i família hem de treballar conjuntament per sembrar les bases d'aquests petits i futurs
ciutadans des de la crítica constructiva, l'obertura a l'entorn i la inclusió educativa.
Per totes aquestes raons, s’aposta per la innovació curricular i en concret es propos en diferents
metodologies pel cicle d’Educació Infantil.
[eng]At the moment we are in need of facing new educational challenges. That is why the school
should contribute to the formation of competent, healthy and independent people, capable of
making their own decisions respecting the social values and integrity of those around them.
Our students must face these challenges adequately even if they are not aware of the social and
educational complexity in which they are immersed. We, as teachers and observers of the reality
that stalks us, must prepare and help them by putting at their disposal the right strategies and
ways of doing right.
School and family must work together to lay the foundations of these small future citizens from
constructive criticism, openness to the environment and educational inclusion.
For all these reasons, we focus on curricular innovation and, in particular, we propose different
methodologies for the pre-school education.